#mandalorian obi wan
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unaffiliatedmagpie · 1 year ago
Consider Mandalorian culture and the fact that Obi Wan Kenobi's lightsaber is trying to gift itself to Commander Cody.
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funny---pics · 3 months ago
Once again, it's fic rec time!
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25k, T, fix-iteverything, humor
Ft gems such as malicious compliance taken to the extreme, Mandalorian!Jedi! Obi-Wan and Anakin, chaotic groupchats, Dooku faking his evilness to Sidious, Vosa&Ventress BFFs, the Sith as a multi-level-marketing scheme, catlike Yoda, games like spoon-based combat and strip sabacc, Jon Antilles being Doctor Who style immortal, and of course Obi-Wan's name translating 'Nobody' (and therefore everyone can tell 'Nobody' allll the secrets)!
Background Obi/Jango(/Satine?), Fox/Mace, Shmi/Pre, Anakin/Padme(/Rex?), Dooku/Sifo-Dyas, honestly the pairings are so very minor, the Pure Unadulterated Chaos is much more important xD
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To quote the author: *the last hinge on this fic flies off into space*
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nightlight-stardust-and-rain · 10 months ago
Hi ! I'm searching for a fic and I'm not finding it and it's driving me insane so asking for help it is......
It's a fic where Obi-wan becomes a Mandalorian during or after Melida/Daan (probably one of those scenarios where Mandalorians help the Young? But I'm not sure about that so...) and he was very close with Quinlan and at some point Quinlan and his master go to Mandalore for a mission I suppose? And Quinlan had no idea Obi-wan was there, and there's this scene, like soon after Quinlan and his master land on the planet I think? Where Obi-wan recognizes him and says his name before taking off his helmet and then there's a hug where Quinlan, like, twirls him around despite the weight of the beskar. The hug scene is mostly what I was trying to find hahaha. Also, since that might narrow it down, I'm pretty sure there was no time travel.
As it turns out, it was Strangers like me, by K_R_Closson ! (no link to the fic because I'm technologically impaired). There was also much less Quinlan than i thought which is a shame really but it's still an excellent fic.
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corvidscreams · 11 months ago
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Back again with art for This AU (as written by the lovely @iwishtocountthestars), specifically art for “Intermission”. A lovely little peak at Obi-Wans adjustment period and the turmoil within his lineage.
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crispyjenkins · 8 months ago
it's been two years and i'm about to lose it at the wonton passing of time
also why did tumblr take away the ability to edit the info in a link. like why can't i tell you what fic it's from. whyyy
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imjustapoorwayfaringgeek · 2 years ago
Obi in a royal Mando outfit✨
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Satine made him wear that and he thinks he looks fabulous.✨🤍💛💙
(psst, it's in house kryze colors, you're welcome.)
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dragonsandwolvesohmy · 1 year ago
I've lost another one.
I remember that Obi-wan was younger, and he met up with Mandalorians on a mission. They're trying to retrieve an ade, who's hidden in a rock formation protected by Mandalorian Ghosts. When Obi-Wan interferes, he solves the misunderstanding, helps get the kid, etc. and one of the ghosts disappears, leaving their beskar'gam behind for Obi-Wan to take.
Found by the lovely @tasogarebridge! It's not super young Obi-Wan, but rather time travel with Luke. Trattok'or teh aka by RoosjeM
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seven-oomen · 1 year ago
Ok so, some more info on this au I'm writing right?
The beginning is heavily based on Shinylizard's: Necessary Encounters and Unexpected Consequences
It's a really good fic, I highly recommend you go read it and leave them some love and comments.
So it starts similarly, with Obi-Wan (20) on the run with Satine, he ends up in a small town with no credits, little food. He starts playing the sabbac tables for some credits, he almost gets caught, smooth talks himself out of it. And then pantoran Myles introduces himself with a proposition for a fun night with his 'partner'. Obi-Wan refuses initially, one he's a virgin, two he doesn't have time for this, but Myles offers him 'anything he wants'. Food, credits, medicine. And Obi-Wan relents. He needs the credits to keep himself and Satine alive, and he's got an implant anyway. It only expired a couple of days ago, no harm, right?
(of course there's harm)
So he spends a fantastic night with Myles and 'Jace'. He's still sort of thinking about this symbol he saw on their beskar'gam. But he can't place it and he doesn't want to ask Satine because...reasons. Then Death Watch attacks them, Obi-Wan fends them off with a blaster and smooth moves, wins the fight. And guess what, those guys he slept with, they've been watching him. They don't want him out in the open if he's a target. They bring him and Satine back to Keldabe.
And there the deviation/ spin on it starts, because that's where he meets former Mand'alor Jaster Mereel and his daughters Arla and Astra (oc). (And their familes, Arla's wife, their kids, Astra's husband and kids)
Jaster takes an instant liking to Obi-Wan (which kinda freaks Obi-Wan out a little because it's like having a potential in law who's constantly trying to set you up with his son (and his husband).) And also fuck the guys he slept with are actually the current mand'alor and his riduur. Well fuck.
It also turns out that Jango and Myles have a cat named Moochie (The grand moocher of Mandalore, also known as Mr Snuggles (by Jaster), and Lazybums (by the guard)) who's a fat, lazy, orange Tooka who has the entirety of Keldabe wrapped around his paws. Moochie doesn't like strangers. He doesn't like Satine much, but, he freaking loves Obi-Wan from minute one.
Which is strange, nobody can place it. This guy is a Jetii, Moochie should absolutely hate Obi-Wan. But Moochie doesn't! In fact, Obi-Wan is his favorite person now.
So Obi-Wan gets sucked into this world where people actually like him, and come to respect him greatly for his fighting skills, negation skills, and general kindness. (Also, the mandalorians have a competence kink, and if there's one thing Obi-wan has plenty of, it's competence. Though he does also get to be feral.)
And it's completely over for Myles and Jango when they see Obi-Wan interacting with their nephews. They have to marry this guy now, even if Obi-Wan doesn't know that yet.
So it's mostly a story about Obi-Wan's inner conflict of wanting to make a difference in the galaxy and his devotion to the order. But also feeling the need to be loved and cherished. And how much he wants a life like the Mandalorians have.
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epicmusic42 · 9 months ago
Part 4 of Ehnap im Lunetana'unru'yth; Rumar'eyir nu Ru'hiib'manir is out!
Fact 1: Montross Vizsla is dead.
Fact 2: Laar Vizsla is dead.
Fact 3: A'thonha Krys'e is the only one who knows what really happened.
For the first time, A'thonha tells someone what really happened the night he left House Vizsla.
Meanwhile, in the Jedi Temple, two initiates find themselves at odds. Each confronted with some hard truths.
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robinade · 2 years ago
Mandalorian Obi-Wan
Winner from my ask-meme poll was a request for 1k of this!
FYI this isn't a young Obi-Wan is raised as a mando (which I have read and enjoyed a lot of!). I was more interested in what it would take for Obi-Wan as an *adult* Jedi to get drawn into mando culture. Unrelated this is also my slut!Obi-Wan manifesto.
Official summary is TBD but the general idea is that Obi-Wan needs to take up the armor he once wore temporarily as a teen on that mission to Mandalore. That means finding an armorer, and results in getting involved with the mando diaspora on Coruscant.
Fic snippet:
The spire where Dooku is being held has had the turbolifts switched off, for security’s sake. 
Did they take Dooku up to his cell first, Obi-Wan wondered, or did they make the ex-Count ex-Jedi climb the stairs the whole way? Possibly one would be too out of breath to manage any type of escape attempt, because Obi-Wan himself is drawing on the Force just to keep up appearances. The Temple guard escorting him doesn’t seem to be having any problems, featureless and unperturbed in their hood and mask. Obi-Wan finds himself ruefully self-conscious of the sweat dampening his back and temples. 
The guard takes him to a point perhaps midway up the spire, judging by the occasional view out to the Coruscant skyline, and through multiple sets of blast doors until Obi-Wan is face to face with Yan Dooku, apart from the orange energy shield in between them. 
He’s a pale-skinned human, with piercing eyes under thick-set eyebrows and a hawkish nose. His hair is cropped short and with a neatly trimmed beard, both going white with age but, like many Jedi, Dooku carries his age lightly and stands straight-backed and tall. Handsome, in an austere way. His broad shoulders narrow to a slim waist and his short black tunic does little to disguise a pair of well-formed legs. The most notable thing about his appearance, apart from his height, are the Force suppressing cuffs that shine at each wrist. 
He might even be taller than Qui-Gon was, Obi-Wan thinks with some asperity. What is with this lineage and their unnecessarily tall humanoids? Even Anakin is likely to outgrow him, judging by the size of the boy’s hands and feet. 
“Grandmaster,” Obi-Wan says with a polite nod. “I understand you were asking to speak with me?” 
“Padawan of my padawan,” Dooku says formally. “Yes, I do wish to speak to you.” Interestingly, he doesn’t show a hint of deference. They might as well have bumped into each other at a restaurant, for how little attention Dooku pays to the fact that he’s in a cell. 
“Why me, if I may ask? It does seem odd that you want to speak to someone you’ve never met rather than your own master,” Obi-Wan says mildly, as if the answer really isn’t that important to him. In point of fact, Yoda had been so shocked at recent events– Palpatine’s murder, Dooku’s confession– that he had stepped down as Grand Master of the Order. Dooku’s silence on his motivations certainly wasn’t helping. 
“Does it seem odd?” Dooku replies evenly. “It is not my intent to be secretive.”
Considering Dooku refused to talk to anyone, including his judiciary-assigned defendant, Obi-Wan doesn’t dignify that comment with an answer and merely raises an eyebrow. 
“It was a calculation, as in my current position I have no leverage but information. I didn’t think the High Council would be favorable of me speaking to you unless curiosity made them desperate,” Dooku explains. 
Obi-Wan has to concede the point, having been present during much of the Council’s deliberations. He wasn’t on Coruscant when Dooku was first remediated to Jedi care– Judiciary forces not being sure they can keep a powerful former-Jedi like Dooku contained– but he’d been in meetings with Master Windu and the Council nearly since the moment he landed planetside with Anakin. 
At first, Obi-Wan wasn’t sure why. He’d never met the man who trained his master, since Dooku left the Jedi order to become the Count of Serenno about the same time that Qui-Gon accepted Obi-Wan as his padawan, so he had no insight as to why Dooku would choose to assassinate the High Chancellor. Then it was revealed to him that Dooku had asked for Obi-Wan by name– no wonder the Council had grilled him mercilessly. Frankly, If Obi-Wan had been anywhere in the system (instead of wading through knee deep mud on a mission close to the outer rim) he would be under suspicion as an accomplice to be sure. 
Obi-Wan eyes the other man, standing calmly with his arms crossed. Was it luck, or did Dooku deliberately wait until his grandpadawan had an airlock-alibi? Obi-Wan would assume he was thinking too highly of himself to consider such a thing, but then Dooku asked for him specifically… 
“The fact of the matter is, Knight Kenobi, that the Sith were not destroyed on Ruusan, as the Jedi believe. They lived, carrying on their plans for the defeat of the Jedi and subjugation of the galaxy in secret. The downfall of the Republic would not come from an overwhelming outside force this time, but from the cancerous spread of darkness within.” Dooku’s tone of voice is serious, almost lecturing. He doesn’t sound like a prisoner. Instead, he sounds like a politician, or perhaps a scholar. Albeit one whose curriculum has driven him to madness. Sensing Obi-Wan’s doubt, Dooku harrumphs at him. “You doubt my words?”
“I think those who seek darkness are bound to find it, grandmaster,” Obi-Wan says truthfully. “Whether that is Sith or otherwise remains to be seen.” 
He expects annoyance from the other man, but instead Dooku smiles thinly. “You are cautious. That is good. Still, whether you believe me or not, the Sith line of Darth Bane continued unbroken… until now, when I killed Darth Sidious, who was the apprentice to Darth Plagueis. The line of Bane ends with me, for I’ll not train another.” 
Obi-Wan stands still as stone, inwardly reeling. What a statement to make! First to claim that Chancellor Palpatine of all people was a Sith lord– and it could only be Palpatine, for Dooku so carefully arranged the murder to affect no bystanders; even the chancellor’s guards were incapacitated by the planted bomb rather than killed. And then for Dooku to name himself among the Sith as well? Was he meant to take this nonsense seriously?
“It’s a very interesting claim to make to be sure, grandmaster,” Obi-Wan says thoughtfully, stroking his beard with a recently formed habit. “You might try to plea that you were saving the Republic with the death of Chancellor Palpatine– a chancy matter, unless you have some sort of evidence. But then to also claim to be a member of our old enemies, the same as the chancellor, rather detracts from that statement, don’t you think?”
Dooku deigns to snort at this comment. “I have no interest in saving the Republic. The governing body has grown rotten and the powerful take what they want from the weak and rarely do they suffer repercussions. No, I think the Republic deserves what Sidious had planned for it. A civil war the likes of which hasn’t been seen in a millennia,” Dooku says, looking off into the distance as if he’s imagining it. “The bloated corpse of the Republic would shake itself to pieces and from the rubble a new empire would emerge.” 
Obi-Wan is finding it all too easy to imagine, unfortunately. The tensions between different systems, the conflicts between the outer rim and the mid, the Corporate sector expanding their territory and the Republic always conceding ground, the Hutts and the pirates branching out along further hyperlanes– and the Jedi, often scrambling from emergency to emergency and rarely able to impact genuine policy change that could bring peace that lasts longer than a few months. 
“What about the Jedi?” he asks faintly. 
Dooku brushes some unseen lint off his tunic dismissively. “Stagnated and chained to the Republic’s dissolving throne. A war would force the Jedi to change… or die. I was hoping for the former, of course. But if the Order could not adapt, well, I’m not sure it would deserve to remain.” 
Obi-Wan puts a hand over his mouth, feeling ill. He knew intellectually that Dooku had fallen, but now he can feel it in the casual disregard for life. No– there has to be more to it. There has to! If Dooku was truly lost to the dark, why had he worked to avoid any collateral damage in his attack on Palpatine? A planted bomb had ensured that Palpatine’s guards weren’t able to help him, but while there had been injuries there were no other deaths besides the obvious one. And he had stepped down from the role of Count months earlier in favor of his sister, so that kept Serenno from being implicated in the murder, much like the Jedi and Obi-Wan himself were able to be dismissed from being involved. 
“Why change your mind?” Obi-Wan desperately wants to know. 
Dooku glances away from Obi-Wan, looking awkward for the first time. “I received a visitation from Qui-Gon’s spirit,” he admits. “For a man who focused so much on the present while alive, his spirit has developed a strong sense of prescience.”
“That’s impossible,” Obi-Wan snaps. 
“You needn’t be upset about it, you were his first choice,” Dooku replied calmly. “But the Force is too muddled on Coruscant for him to be heard. He spent years trying anyway. And then he had difficulty finding you when you were on missions. The few times he managed it he was eclipsed by Skywalker’s power in the force.”
Obi-Wan couldn’t help but shake his head, refusing to accept it. “It’s a very interesting story, grandmaster, to be sure. You’re going to be locked up for many years– perhaps you can write novels to pass the time.” 
Dooku continued as if he hadn’t said anything. “Qui-Gon knew about the war that Sidious was planning, but more than that he could see the rebellion that came after, and the war after that. Whole planets obliterated! Their art and their cultures gone forever. The history of the Jedi lost, our artifacts destroyed or perverted…” Dooku trailed off, looking deeply troubled. 
Our artifacts, he said, Obi-Wan noticed. [insert more stuff here about what ob1 thinks about all this, and qui-gon’s ghost and stuff]
“I won’t allow it,” Dooku said finally. “Palpatine has been neutralized but there are still a few pieces still in motion that cannot easily be stopped. Knight Kenobi,” Dooku says formally, “there is an army being built in wild space that will determine the fate of the Jedi. You will be the one to find it, but you must take up your Mandalorian armor before you do.”
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xxlittle0birdxx · 2 years ago
Okay, so bear with me…
AU Mandalorian Obi-wan goes to Naboo with Qui-gon to break the Trade Federation blockade, wearing full Mando armor, carrying the Darksaber. Besides, Sith Lords have nothing on cranky toddlers who missed their nap.
Bo-Katan tags along, because why the hell not? And Padmé and the Handmaidens have earned her respect, simply by being armed to the teeth, but all their weaponry is cleverly hidden in the wigs and formal attire. Those fancy hair doodads are really vibroblades. They all have blasters in thigh or ankle holsters.
Anakin was supposed to stay behind on Mandalore, because a battle is no place for a child. Artoo sneaks him onboard the ship to Naboo.
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I just need to share this I am just about worshipping them and its just so cool
only 5100 words and one of the best fics i've read start the music with chapter 2
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commentgoblin · 2 years ago
Fic Request
So I'm sure I've read fics like this but I can't find any of them except for The Accidental Verd'alor and His Jedi by @bairnsidhe..
I'm looking for fics where Obi-Wan is sent to Mandalore by the senate more or less as a hostage or sacrifice as reparations for the senates mistakes in handling Mandalorian conflicts. I don't care about the ships present in the fic, but I don't want to read any that are all "the Jedi are really the Evil Bad Guys" if you know what I mean.
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kittonafoxgirl · 2 years ago
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[Podfic] Jetii Vod’ika (AO3 Link)
Fandom: Star Wars Clone Wars
Writer: Nation_Ustria​
Text: Jetii Vod’ika
Reader: Kittona
Cover: @korechthonia
Rating: T
Chapter 1 Length: 35:26
Summary:  When the disaster that was Melida/Daan was finally over, Obi-Wan didn't return to the Jedi order. Instead he ended up being adopted as Jango Fett's younger brother, where Obi-Wan found a new life first in the Mandalorian culture and then in the life of a bounty hunter as Benjamin Fett. Somehow, this doesn't prevent him from becoming a General during the Clone Wars (as if he'd abandon his vod'e to die) or from practically adopting his old Master's newly Knighted Padawan as another little brother and pseudo-Padawan of his own (Ben may not be a Jedi, but he never actually stopped studying the ways of the Force, and Jinn isn't the greatest teacher). ***** It's Anakin's first time on the battlefield, and it's not going great. As sensitive and open to the Force as he is, the pain of force-signatures being torn away from the Force as troopers die is agonizingly overwhelming—especially since a lot of the death is caused by Master Jinn's idiot plan. Thankfully, General Fett and the 212th have been called in as backup, and Ben isn't the type to let anyone suffer—especially not who would have been his Padawan brother (Or: it takes a bit, but Ben claims Anakin as his vod'ika).
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crispyjenkins · 1 year ago
Dha Kar'ta (wipwed 1)
wipwed stuff will be linked from my masterlist, which is my pinned post, where you’ll also find links to the main fic! i love you all!! i hope you’re safe and well!! *very minor blood warning*
  “Please,” Quinlan scoffs, “even if you’d had months to prepare, Obi would have still defeated you. Do you honestly think you’d ever compare?”
  Obi-Wan frowns. “Quin, that’s enough.”
  The Nautolan grins at Obi-Wan with blue blood in his teeth, dripping over his chin down his throat, but he makes no move to wipe it away. “Was it enough, Sith Slayer? Will Maul and I ever be enough?”
  Obi-Wan can’t breathe. “What do you–”
  “Were our deaths enough, Dark Heart? Is your bloodlust satisfied?” Rret So rises to his feet, and then without moving is standing over Obi-Wan, leaning into his space until they’re nose-to-nose, until Obi-Wan can smell the metallic tang of his blood, until he can hear the silence of his pierced and cauterised heart. “Is Anakin Skywalker safe?” he purrs. “Is your Mand’alor protected? Were our deaths enough? Will you stop at two, or will you keep going until you look as bloody as you feel? Is my master deterred? Were our deaths enough, Kyr’bes? Will it ever be enough?”
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sick-and-artistic · 1 year ago
Mando Armor Obi-Wan!!!! (go go read Funeralopolis)
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finished version of this wip ! I will forever be weak for Obi Wan with a mandalorian armor
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